Gas Safe 400km Cycle Challenge Helps Raise Over £34,000 for Charity

On 19th September 2019, Richard and Adam of Gas Safe Bristol joined a team of 20 riders embarking on a 400km bike ride between two of Europe’s most iconic landmarks – the Clifton Suspension Bridge in Bristol and the Eiffel Tower in France.

4 days of battling with unpredictable weather, punctures, saddle rash and angry wasps sure took its toll, but was worth the pain with the two Gas Safe riders raising £2,000+ towards a huge £34,000+ total donation to a charity close to their hearts.

Find out more about the ride, the route and the very deserving cause the money went to.

The Route

The 400KM ride started in Bristol, with the riders meeting at the Clifton Suspension Bridge to kick of 4 days of riding. The first two days of riding took place on home soil, with the team heading down to Portsmouth before setting sail to France.

There was then two more action-packed days of peddling through France before crossing the Seine to finish at the foot of the Eiffel Tower.

Day 1

Everybody was looking fresh-faced on the first day of the ride, with the 20 riders meeting at the Clifton Suspension Bridge to get started on their journey.

100km later and the first leg of the journey was complete – a beer well earned we think.

Day 2

Day 2 saw the first casualty of the trip, with a wasp taking on one of the riders – ouch!

Day 3

Day 3 saw another tough day of cycling, with the team covering 74 miles through France.

Day 4

Day 4 got off to a shaky start, with one of the riders suffering a puncture.

Puncture fixed and, just on cue, the rain arrived with only 20 miles to go.

Undeterred, the Cystic Fibrosis team pushed on to complete their epic journey..

The Charity

All of the money raised by the event was donated to the Cystic Fibrosis Trust, a charity dedicated to funding research, improving care standards and supporting sufferers of cystic fibrosis and their loved ones.

Donate Today

There’s still time to donate to support the efforts of Richard and Adam, simply click here to find out more about the event and make your donation. Thank you in advance.